OK, I'm normally not so good with sticking to New Year's resolutions, but maybe, just maybe, I can stick to some fibery ones. :D
So here's my list:
- I’d like to get my WIPs under some sort of control.
- Make a least one sweater/cardigan thingy for Me ME MEEEEE!!!! And crochet/knit for me more in general! LOL
- Learn knitted fair isle/stranding or at least attempt learning it.
- Start Christmas gifts NOW!
- Write and offer at least 3 new patterns.
- Spin more!
Seems totally doable...right? :D
I'm even off to a good start! I've already published one pattern for this year! YAY! And, I've recently completed my first official FO for the year...my first pair of adult sized socks (and they're for ME!).
I've also been working on the Daisy Sweater for Thing 1 (my 2 yo DD). It just lacks one sleeve (they are knitted on) and taking care of some ends. The sweater for Thing 2 (my 2 yo DS) also lacks one sleeve...but it also needs to be blocked before I can assemble it. Hopefully, I'll make LOTS of progress on these and maybe even have at least one more FO to show next time! :D
As always...Happy Crafting! :D